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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

HipHopHeroes Cypherience III - 25 Juni 201

For those who do not know about HipHopHeroes CYPHERience, # HHHcypherience is made to provide opportunities HipHoper ShowOff in the general population. Who wrote can perform here, which is important for Rapper Freestyle. No matter how junior or senior, famous not famous, all must perform here. And going to freestyle together on stage, all melting together to share skills there. Beatbox May, DJ Scratch May, B-Boy Can ... Please:)

Hopefully this program can be used for self-hiphoper Promo event that appears there. Whether it's video taped it, then put onto YouTube or something. can also be used to find potential partners for collaboration in the work, please.

To order the following Performer
Urban Gangsta & Mohammed Strikes
Zeight Bjaguran & Jak City
TNG Ridaz
Willy Winarko
Bekasi Beat Box
flow R
Lady Gan
Not From Here
Black slaves
Lazy P
The Law
Police Starz
Bla Bla Bla
Jogja Back Hip Hop Crew

Come practice discipline, 20 Performer, HHHCypherience III begins at 5. Performer 4 hours Standby for stor MinusOne and Absent. performers of late, will perform at the end. Due to time constraints, there is a possibility last Performer could not perform. All the time, all could Perform. OK Heroes, Can not you :)...

Oh yes, Rapper Pasuruan plan would sell HipHopPasuruan Compilation Album "Grab Da Mic" at # HHHCypherience III. In addition, the rapper from jogja will also sell T-shirts hiphop in HHHCypherience ... Prepare the money to buy yes Heroes, Buy Local HopHop = Support ... ^ _ ^ See you in Tebet Heroes Until ... :)


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